The Super League club of St Helens are handed a striking shirt collection ready for the 2016 campaign.
Taking inspiration from club legend Mal Meninga, kit manufacturers O’Neills compose a passionate home shirt of which incorporates the trademark club colours of a white base-coat with flashes of vibrant red through a chevron design flowing across the chest in a deep ‘V’ fashion.
Finishing touches of the home shirt sees a raised collar featuring the duo colour-way as seen on the body and sleeves which is constructed from O’Neills Koolite material.
Complementing the classic home shirt showcases a striking away strip which utilises a combination of distinctive cyan and orange to create one of the most eye-catching strips of the forthcoming season.
Whereas the home shirt features a chevron display, the away composition has been kept minimalistic through a solid entirety with intricate detailing in cyan whilst pops of orange appear at the raised collar and sleeve cuffs.